วันอาทิตย์ที่ 16 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2555

Main Character

Kira Yamato

Kira is a pacifist, yet despite his dislike of war and conflict, he is more than willing to fight if it means protecting his friends and loved ones. Due to his kind and sensitive nature, he is said to be too soft for war. As the series progresses, Kira becomes traumatized by the people he has killed and the ones he failed to protect, resulting in him to becoming obsessed with protecting the Archangel. After his fight with Athrun, Kira begins to wonder what needs to be done to end the conflict(s) and comes to realize that he needs to prevent as many tragedies as possible by trying to fight without killing anyone. However, he is still forced to kill on the battlefield.

  Athrun Zala 
As seen and even mentioned by Lacus Clyne herself, Athrun is described as a quiet, reserved, and often a benevolent individual. Athrun is shown to have a firm belief that if soldiers follow their orders then eventually the war will end with success. While good at following orders, Athrun has trouble acting as a team leader due to his compassionate outlook in life.

 Rau Le Creuset

Le Creuset appears at first glance to be a calculating strategist, capable of predicting many of his opponents' moves. He also treats the members of his team with a reasonable amount of dignity and respect and can be charismatic to persuade people for his own ends, however below this calm exterior lies the persona of a nihilistic omnicidal maniac. When confronting his enemies directly Le Creuset's true colours are revealed, he believes that he's the only one with the right to judge both naturals and coordinators and has a deep hatred for both. He also becomes severely unstable and unpredictable without his medication. 

     Lacus Clyne

Lacus Clyne, in her first few appearances, originally appears to be naive and a bit of an airhead, but it is only due to her idealistic and pacifistic nature. Beneath the surface as a pop star and a PLANT idol, she is actually a quite deep and philosophical person, as she demonstrates when she delivers speeches throughout the series - mainly about the widening rift between Naturals and Coordinators, the ironies of calling for peace yet doing so with weapons in hand, and the real causes of war as being within the human heart itself. As the leader of the Clyne Faction (and later the Three Ships Alliance and Terminal), Lacus is very charismatic, strong-willed, and determined to see their fight for peace through to the end. Like her father, Siegel Clyne, Lacus wishes to see a world where Naturals and Coordinators would willingly work together and coexist in harmony, disregarding the notion that Coordinators are an evolved species. Being a pacifist, Lacus holds a strong dislike for war, expressing that they are simply started and repeated through a neverending cycle of attack and retaliation.

    Cagalli Yula Athha

Although raised as a princess in Orb and taught to be proper, sophisticated, and elegant; Cagalli is far from it, for she has been shown to be quite stubborn, rebellious, masculine, and often free spirited. Cagalli is also shown to dislike being called a princess and when someone calls her one she instantly tells them not to call her that again. Despite rebelling against both her father and her responsibilities as a princess, she is quite loyal to her country and more than willing to give up her life to save it. In Destiny, Cagalli becomes the leader of her country in place of her father. However she is shown to be reluctant in speaking against the pro-Alliance leaders of Orb and had trouble difficulty in handling situations when it involves her country's future. Eventually she discovers that she is a capable leader and both her people and herself regained their trust in her.
      Yzak Joule  

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Out of the five young pilots assigned to the Le Creuset Team of ZAFT, Yzak is the most loyal to the Yzak is highly competitive with Athrun Zala in terms of leadership; his best friend is Dearka Elsman often cause. He is portrayed as being competitive, hotheaded, and extremely impulsive. It is also seen that encourages this behaviour. It should also be noted that although Yzak is known for being over-zealous and impulsive that he prefers to fight fairly; at the battle of JOSH-A he expresses his great distaste for "shooting at targets that cant's shoot back," which were the very beginning of his waves of doubt towards the ZAFT command structure. Yzak kept the scar to constantly remind him of the pain that the Strike has caused. On more than one occassion Yzak's temper has gotten the best of him, such as when he shot down a civilian shuttle believing it to be a unit of escaping soldiers. Throughout SEED, Yzak remains this way until the Battle of Panama, when Yzak truly sees the horrors of war. Once he forms the elite Joule Team under his aegis, he becomes more level-headed and much more of a leader. However, a meeting with Dearka (who had defected during the final battle of ORB), made Yzak see how twisted the ZAFT leadership was becoming, especially after witnessing the destructive power of the GENESIS causing him to question ZAFT.

      Dearka Elsman
File:Dearka Piloting.png

 Dearka had a humorous and somewhat arrogant personality and is a pilot of ZAFT's Team Le Creuset. He had a tendency to make fun of Naturals and weaklings with his usual sarcasm.
After his experience with the Archangel, Dearka was able to re-evaluate his opinions towards the Naturals and was no longer as immature as he was before.

        Nicol Amalfi

Of all the members of the Le Creuset team Nicol is the most open-hearted and pleasant with a strong sense of duty towards protecting the PLANTS; Nicol feels it is his duty to fight for the safety of his homeland and for his parents honour (Mobile Suit Gundam SEED: A Never Ending Tomorrow ), indicating true strength of character. While Yzak and Dearka are more forward in warfare, Nicol prefers to use a stratagy more atuned to the Blitz's stealth capeabilities; he fights with caution and foresight.

